
Your Launchpad For Global Success

Leap Scholar helped over 60,000 students move abroad

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Scholarships Awarded
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SAT & IELTS Students Tutored

Our Students Have Been Admitted to

We are here with you in every step of your journey!

Let us help you reach your full potential and discover a world of global opportunities.

Personalized Counselling

We understand your unique goals and aspirations. Our expert counsellors will tailor a comprehensive study abroad plan just for you.

University Shortlist

Let us help you stand out from the crowd. We’ll assist you in creating a strong profile and shortlisting the best universities and courses for your ambitions.

Profile Evaluation

Let us help you stand out from the crowd. We’ll assist you in creating a strong profile and shortlisting the best universities and courses for your ambitions.

Application Support

Don’t let daunting applications hold you back. Our team will provide guidance and support in filling out applications, crafting exceptional SOPs & LORs, and ensuring your documents are flawless.

Test Preparation

Work with our expert writing coaches to draft your SOP & LOR statements

Visa Assistance

Navigating visa requirements  can be overwhelming. We’ll simplify the process and mentor you to ensure a smooth journey.

Why choose Leapscholar?

With years of experience and a track record of 100% success, we are the only study abroad platform in the UAE that guarantees unparalleled success.

200,000+ University Applications Submitted

3000+ Expert Counsellors

Average 8.5 Band for IELTS | 1450 SAT Score

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Success Stories
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Preferred Courses

Popular Places to Study

Turning Leaps into Flights for 2,00,000 Students and Counting

I received valuable guidance from Leapscholar throughout the essential steps of my application process. I am sincerely grateful to the entire team for their assistance.

Faizal Benghazi


John Hopkins University

Masters in Management, Class of 2021

I was completely supported by leapscholar especially during my study abroad visa process. The visa officers have helped me with mock interviews and constant feedback where I got accustomed with the process. I strongly recommend Leapscholar for study abroad applications.

Lohit Marla

Fleming College, Canada

Leapscholar guided me through all the critical processes for my application. My counsellor Sonam has been a great help throughout the journey. Special thanks to the whole team!! I have recommended a lot of my friends looking for an education abroad.

Mohammed Riyadh

Lincoln University, New Zealand

I would 100% recommend leapscholar to anyone looking for a consultant, Nisha Ojha has helped me with all my queries and provided assistance which helped me to achieve the goal. Soumya on the other hand has been a wonderful visa expert who got me through the visa filing process with ease. Overall, leapscholar has helped me to achieve my future goals. Cheers guys for your efforts.

Tausif Khan

Warsaw University of Economics, Poland

From the beginning to the end the process is hassle free Thank you so much my counsellor Sonam Arora and Visa counsellor Surabhi for their support throughout the process.

Ahmed Karawi

Middlesex university, UAE

Study-abroad Guides Created by Experts

Scholarship Guide

Know about how you can study at your dream university almost for free

A-Z of study abroad

Plan of action curated by an expert based on your profile and interests

VISA Guide

Know how to crack the Visa interview and also what you need on D-Day

Leap in the News

Backed by Global Brands

Ready to take the Leap?

Connect with world’s finest counsellors and biggest
study abroad community!

Get Answers to your Questions

What is Leap Scholar?
Leap Scholar is a one-stop platform for students wishing to study abroad. We help you from the beginning of the application process to the time you set foot in a new country.
From profile evaluation, shortlisting colleges, to sending applications and getting your student visa, we take care of everything. We provide best guidance to ensure admits to every student who signs up with us!
I want to pursue my undergraduate studies abroad. How can Leap scholar help me?
Leap Scholar is a one-stop platform for students wishing to study abroad. We help you from the beginning of the application process to the time you set foot in a new country.
From profile evaluation, shortlisting colleges, to sending applications and getting your student visa, we take care of everything. We provide best guidance to ensure admits to every student who signs up with us!
Is Leap Scholar based in UAE?
Leap Scholar is a one-stop platform for students wishing to study abroad. We help you from the beginning of the application process to the time you set foot in a new country.
From profile evaluation, shortlisting colleges, to sending applications and getting your student visa, we take care of everything. We provide best guidance to ensure admits to every student who signs up with us!
Your Counsellor
Jamila Ali
Counselling Expert

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